There’s No Shame in Child’s Pose, Mid-Afternoon Mental Moment

Wednesday HUMP Day!  

Today’s Mental  Moment

is all about relaxation and centering ourselves.

Dog wearing cone of shame.
Dog is not Downward Facing.... take of the cone..there is no shame.. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It’s a good day to do that, middle of the week, get a little energy boost to get through the rest of the week.

We are going to take a moment to relax out bodies and minds with a little Yoga.

Don’t be alarmed by the goofball in the middle of the room.

Not me!

The guy in the middle of that  room.  Trying to do the tripod head stand.  He;s a goofball.  Trying to get his ex girlfriend’s attention.  Don’t mind him.

(except that he IS the mental moment  🙂  )

Anyways, palms together, deep breath in…

And there is no shame and laying on your mat in Child’s Pose..None at all.  You have nothing to prove to anybody…   I don’t want anyone to break their neck, please.

That’s where I’ll be.  Just like a child.  No shame.

Annnddd….exhale.   Enjoy!

Sir, your language!  sorry about that.  Kids say the darndest things

To Your Mental State, Whatever it may be

Hopefully you are feeling centered and relaxed.

Lizzie Cracked (never broken)  and not feeling a bit of shame for being like a child child’s pose.  I like my neck thank you.


(salutation originated in India used when meeting someone and when departing company. It was taken up by western society to mean “The spirit in me respects the spirit in you,” or “the divinity in me bows to the divinity in you”)  thank you RC of Amors Thoughts 🙂  

19 thoughts on “There’s No Shame in Child’s Pose, Mid-Afternoon Mental Moment

    1. daughter Lauren brought it to my attention.. I have seen parts of it and I actually had… stupid Peter..the piano scene for today but I thought the Yoga was just great after your post this morning and how happy I am to see you 🙂

  1. yoga is not he most dignified class to take .. I tried bikram yoga where you are packed in a tiny room that is soooo hot and humid then you have to twist into positions that make you look ridiculous or give you a view of someone else that you would have preferred not to have seen … yep child’s pose sounds like the best plan 😀

  2. When I looked at that video all I could do was think…Wow..people can actually do that….of course I know that I’m a lot older ..and maybeee I could have done at one time but …I guess I’ll have to stay centered and relaxed in my lazy boy…lol …I know really.. I’m going to do something…to get my body moving…Linda gave me incentive to do so…Diane

  3. Loved the Namaste music by the Kennedys! Just made me happy & boppy all at the same time. Loved the clip too – reinforced my impressions of yoga teachers as somehow feeling superior while trying to be so kind. Great mental moment!

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